Radiation Detection Systems: Hand notes

less than 1 minute read

These are my hand notes on the course of Radiation Detection Systems, taken during the academic year 2023-2024. I made these notes in preparation for the exam, reviewing the theory using mainly the slides. As they are not based on live class notes, some observations made by the professor may be missing.

These notes are not a substitute of the slides. Especially on the last part, some slides content may be missing. I made these notes for myself and did not plan to publish them in advance, so I also apologize for my bad writing and page layout.

Last thing, don’t take everything in these notes as true! Some uncertainties are still in it, and maybe even errors I’m not aware of! So please, question everything and check yourself if what is written makes sense. I personally suggest in attending the course as the professor for me was really clear and also available to discuss every doubt.

Good luck!

📗 Link to the notes

Some pretty photos from the RDS lab activities
